In my most recent attempt at protective styling I tried Senegalese twists. They looked great (in my opinion) I put them in myself and made it work...for a week. What went wrong? What could I have done better? Where was the problem?
Always, Always, Always do your research
So prior to my experiment with Senegalese twists a did a very LITTLE bit of research on how to do them. Looked and pictures, watched videos on YT, the usual. But my research did not answer the questions I should have been asking. What hair to use? How to maintain/ keep the scalp from drying? How to thoroughly prepare my hair for the style?
So what was I thinking? "I can do this!" Not knowing a thing, honestly, I decided to wing it. NOT, I repeat, NOT a good idea! I already knew I had a dry, itchy scalp that I'm still trying to figure out how to regulate. Instead of continuing my best practices, I decided to go with what I "wanted" rather than "need to keep my scalp and hair healthy and to retain as much length as possible.
Use What you Know Works for YOU to Your Advantage
I knew I had a dry, itchy scalp so my summer regimen/ style should have been one that allowed me to keep my hair/ scalp free of build up or anything that could weigh down or cause the itching or dryness to get worse while not having to put up with excessive daily maintenance. Clearly I did the opposite.
I knew my go-to protective hair style was mini/small two strand twists. They allowed my to retain moisture, keep my hair tangle free and free up my scalp and yet I chose "something new".
In my case, I decided to abandon the practices that I knew worked for my hair for something new. Something new that lasted about a week before my scalp was on fire. It looked great while it lasted but it wasn't for me. Like they say, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
Peace N Blessings,