Friday, January 10, 2014

Why I LOVE Olive Oil as a sealant...

Olive oil has been the one oil that I started using from the beginning (2010). Before I even knew what  a sealant really was, I decided that olive oil would be the first one I tried. I used olive oil for the first chapter of my hair journey figuring out how to seal in moisture, what the benefits of olive oil are, and how I could incorporate it into my journey for MY hair.

What is a sealant?
A sealant in natural hair terms can be an oil or butter that allows moisture to be sealed or absorbed into the hair strands without being lost as the hair dries completely. For 4C hair, in my experience, a sealant should be applied as the last step in the moisturizing process. Sealants are very important for our hair being that in most cases our hair has low porosity and as a result struggles to retain moisture. Once we find a great moisturizer we need a sealant that'll "lock it up" and keep that moisture right where we want it!

What are the benefits of olive oil?
The following information can be found on

  1. Prevent DTH Hormones Production. A hormone called DTH is the culprit in many cases of hair loss, as it causes the hair follicle shaft to narrow. Olive oil actually stops this from happening, which means you can hold onto your hair for longer.
  2. Promote Scalp Health. Olive oil is loaded with antioxidants, which can keep the skin of your scalp in better shape. It can even reduce the damage done by hair care products or overuse of styling products.
  3. Naturally Condition the Hair. Olive oil can make your hair shiny and soft. That's why it has been used for centuries as a natural hair conditioner.
  4. Fight off Fungi and Bacteria. Dandruff, head lice and other adverse conditions can contribute to hair loss. Fortunately, olive oil fights off all of these things, helping keep your hair healthier.
  5. Improve Blood Circulation. Olive oil massages can improve the blood circulation in your scalp. This increased blood flow can stimulate the follicles, which then produce thicker strands.
Why Do I LOVE Olive Oil?

I have used Olive Oil as a sealant, in my deep conditioner mixes, in my pre poo, in my spray bottle...yes, just about everything! For MY hair specifically I've gone without olive oil and I have noticed the difference! My hair is so much softer, shinier and moisturized when I seal with olive oil. It is a staple that I will NEVER stray from again. You just gotta love when the simple things WORK, right? 

What kind of Olive Oil do I purchase?

I have no brand preference really but it has to be Extra Virgin Olive Oil and if it's USDA Organic, that makes it even better.

The Wrap-Up

Olive Oil is a MUST Ladies!! The benefits that can come from the use of EVOO are endless. If you haven't tried Olive Oil in your journey, what the heck are you waiting for, Lady? Hop on that! LOL.
As always remember to enjoy your hair and your journey! 

Stay Koily and Kute ;-)

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