Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My Pregnancy and My Natural Hair: Third Trimester

Hey Curlfriends!

So this post is to update you on my hair in this my third trimester of pregnancy. I'm going to explain my experiences (that I remember) from my first pregnancy and what I am currently experiencing. I hope this helps for all my new preggos with natural type 4 hair or ladies who are TTC (trying to conceive) and want to know what may happen to their hair.

Shedding Update!

In my previous post on postpartum shedding I mentioned my methods for battling the loss of large amounts of hair. To briefly recap, I do black tea rinses which limit the shedding to a minimum. Now that I am at 31 weeks pregnant I am noticing this time my shedding is not postpartum rather before my little girl even arrives. For the first two trimesters I noticed great hair growth but very little to no shedding and now that I am at the end of my pregnancy I notice that my hair is already starting to shed =(. You can imagine my but I have decided to actively tea rinse once my little bit is born. (still sad though)

Protective Styling

Wigs and braids boo! Lol. I love flat twisting my hair and slappin a cute wig on my head. I'll do that in a minute, pregnant or not! But recently I've done so to save time and stress. However, my next style is large "poetic justice" braids that I'll keep in through birth that way my hair is put away, neat and presentable at all times. To reflect on my last pregnancy I should have done this but I was like a blind bat when it came to a birth plan for my hair let alone a birth plan for going into labor! My doctor had planned to induce me on October 7, 2011 but my son had other plans. I started contracting a bit mid day on the 4th (I had no clue) and was in active labor dilated about 3-4 cm on the 5th around 2am. To make an already long story short, my hair was a matted mess during labor and delivery and I didn't get a chance to do it til a few days later. I vowed that will NOT happen to ME again, honey! 

The Wrap-up/ My advice

So ladies I am getting closer and closer to seeing my baby girl, Mikaela and I hope to share a lot of these final weeks with you! I will give more updates on shedding and the condition of my hair before and after birth so stay tuned! And for those ladies who are in the beginning of their pregnancies or TTC I hope this info helps you and don't be afraid to drop a comment with any questions. My biggest word of advice is to have a birth plan for that hair!! You don't want to be a matted! As always I thank you for reading and wish you happy healthy hair journeys! 

Stay Koily and Kute ;-)

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