Thursday, May 15, 2014

My Two Cents: Texture Discrimination

So recently one of my favorite YT Naturals, Jouelzy, did a video on texture discrimination. Now this topic may not concern you if your hair texture has an undeniable presence in the natural hair community but if you're like me and other 4c ladies, you search and search for realistic results to common styles, methods etc and have a hard time.

Marketing & Products

In the natural community products are marketed with bouncy curls in mind as if a product can change your hair texture from the infamous Florida Evans to Shirley Temple curls. (Lol) Clearly I'm exaggerating but it's marketing like this that makes it hard for us 4c chicks to know when a product works for our hair. 


I often talk about how instrumental YT was in my decision to grow my natural hair and learning what and what not to do, however the presence of ladies with looser curl patterns is far more prominent than ladies of courser, tighter curl patterns. Once I started looking for ladies with hair that looked and behaved like my own I saw as felt reaults from my hair. Without ladies like Jouelzy, 4C Hair Chick(Trudy), and Blakizbeautyful (Jenell B. Stewart) and my own trial and error I might have gone back to the creamy crack! *gasp* Girrrllll, did she just say that? Yes I did! Lol. I made I through though. So much so, that I went as fat as rechopping to start over healthier! =D

So my two cents?...

If you have courser, thicker, tighter coiled hair SHARE your journey as muh as possible! Help your Sistas out that can't find themselves in the natural hair community! The struggle is real when you're not sure what the heck to! Let's continue to make the kinky chicks voice be heard! And that's  all I have to say about that.

Love you for reading, Stay Blessed! 

Jouelzy's Video -

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