Wednesday, September 3, 2014

So I Lightened My Hair!!!

Before I say ANYTHING in this post. I have to give my disclaimer..Lol

1. I am not a licensed cosmetologist or beautician. I went to YouTube Institute of Trial & Error (Hahaa)
2. I am not recommending anyone try this method. I am simply sharing my experience with trying this out.
3. There are many factors that contributed to my results.

With that said, here we GO!

Lightening Your NATURAL with Baking Soda & Peroxide!

My mixture was completely eyeballed! (Hey this was an impulsive experiment)
Here is was I mixed together though.

-Baking Soda
-Drug store Hydrogen Peroxide
-Jamaican Black Castor Oil

Baking Soda as we know, helps to lift the cuticles. The peroxide lifts the color and the JBCO and conditioner was for moisture purposes.

I sectioned my hair how I always do when I Deep condition or do A protein treatment (6 sections). I had just taken my hair out from my mini twists. There are two things I did that allowed for the color to not lift as much. 1. I did this on dirty hair and 2. The conditioner and JBCO acted as a shield or inhibitor. I applied the mix section my section and worked it in as you would your deep conditioner, covered with a plastic cap, put my heat therapy wrap on the wrapped that in a towel and sat for 40 minutes. I was anxious, nervous and excited..Lol I'm a geek!

I then rinsed the mix out thoroughly with warm water and shampooed with Cantu Shea Butter for Natural Hair Sulfate Free Cream Cleansing Shampoo. Here is the best part for me. I have Low Po (porosity) hair for the most part and the baking soda made my cuticles lift allowing my hair to absorb more moisture! My hair was so soft y'all!!!!! Anyway..Lol I shampooed, sectioned again and applied my Deep Conditoner (Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter Deep Treatment Masque). I sat with the Masque on for 20 minutes then did a ACV rinse with the deep conditioner still on my hair. Lastly I rinsed with cold water.

My Results

I still want to go into the sun to see how light it really is BUT I now have highlights. It's a light brown, mostly on the tips which I don't mind. Overall the baking soda was the best part. being a low po girl ain't easy! To style I spray my leave-in (LOC in a bottle), sealed with my Shea Butter Mix and braided for a braid out!

Very important!!! As you would with any color process use Vaseline to base your edges and ears. This mix irritates the skin!! I forgot to do so and had to put some JBCO on my skin to stop the itching and clear up the irritation.

Let me know what you think! Or if you've tried this share your experience either in the comments or email:!

Thanks for Reading!

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